

Mysis relicta are prehistoric shrimp that live in cold lakes formed from the polar ice cap melt many years ago, hence, they are relicts of the glacial ice age.  The present day shrimp evolved from their salty ancestors of yesterday.  These lakes are all west of the continental divide, and Mysis are an important part of the zooplankton found in these lakes.  These lakes are full of super nutritional algae species which these shrimp feed on, and the shrimp are extremely nutritious containing high contents of protein, essential fats, carotenoids and minerals.  These little shrimp carry their young in a brood pouch, and often times are called “Opposum shrimp”.  They range in size from 1/8 inch to ¾ inch and are an excellent food source for all fishes.  Feed once daily or a few times per week with the regular diet.
